Adjustments not only make you feel better, but they also help you function better. Chiropractors provide care for the entire body instead of concentrating on a disease’s symptoms and nutrition has a major role in the body’s ability to function and heal well. Putting the two together, chiropractic adjustments and nutritional counseling gives us a more comprehensive look at the wholeness and wellness of the body and provides a holistic approach to health.

One's diet directly affects the effectiveness of the treatment they are doing, and it also applies to chiropractic care.

After all, with proper diet, sleep, hydration, and mental attitude, you are able to receive the full potential of a chiropractic adjustment.

When your body gets an adequate amount of nutrients and whole foods, you are able to recuperate faster. When it comes to chiropractors and nutrition, they have the same philosophy — the human body is self-regulating and self-healing, it only needs a nudge in the right direction.

We work primarily with Standard process supplements but also incorporate Seeking Health, Thorne, Garden of Life, Mediherb, Doterra, and Klaire Labs.


A typical nutritional consult begins with filling out a questionnaire that asks many body system questions. The first appointment will discuss a case history, past medical health history, and health goals. Blood work or a hair analysis may be recommended on a case-by-case basis. After that initial appointment, a personally tailored nutrition plan will be created for the patient and will be given to them at a subsequent visit or a virtual call.